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From the Harbour to the CBD, these are the 10 most luxurious hotels in Sydney

Harpers BAZAAR Australia
2 November 2022

WHETHER YOU’RE TRAVELLING from afar or seeking a night of luxury locally, the city of Sydney is a beautiful place to spend an evening — or a few.

From the bustling energy of the CBD, to the quaint charm of The Rocks, to the effervescent spark of personality embodied by any inner-city suburb; there’s a plethora of nooks and crannies to delve into in the rollicking metropolis.

But at the end of those exciting days of discovery, you’ll need a place to rest your head at night — and fortunately for you, you won’t need to skimp on your standards, because Sydney is home to a number of truly luxurious hotels for you to take advantage of.

Best hotels in Sydney in 2022

Read on for our guide to the very best hotels to rest your head in when visiting Sydney — from harbour-side, world-class hotel chains, to one-of-a-kind boutique accommodations in charming inner-city suburbs.

This excerpt has been republished from Dani Maher's article for Harper's BAZAAR Australia.

CLICK HERE to read the full original article.

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