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12 breathtaking stays in Tasmania for your next trip

Harpers BAZAAR Australia
8 September 2022

WHETHER OR NOT you classify yourself as the outdoorsy type, the untamed beauty of Tasmania seduces even the most delicate of souls. A vast sprawling terrain roughly the size of Scotland yet home to only a sliver of our country’s population. A rare and enchanting blimp on the map that although inhabited, this land remains remarkably unconquered. It’s enriched with brooding greens and greys, ancient forests and mystical lakes hidden high in the clouds.

The air is crisp, the water pristine and the soil fertile. With a formula so fresh, it is easy to see why the cuisine alone lures visitors to its shores. The degustation menu of rustic (yet polished) lodges and unique nature stays on offer is enough to satiate both the bougie and the brave. From hiking to A-grade coffee, whatever calls you to the great southern tip of Australia — you’ll be well taken care of at these luxury (dare we say indulgent) accommodations. 

This excerpt has been republished from Olivia Drake, Tessa Ogle, and Mariela Summerhays' article for Harper's BAZAAR Australia.

CLICK HERE to view all 12 accomodation options and read the original article in full.

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