Mad about Money

Mad about Money

Peter Switzer & Paul Rickard share their thoughts on the major current affairs impacting financial markets and the economy.

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Will we have a V-shaped recovery?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the IMF's prediction of a V-shaped recovery, whether another leg down for the stock market is possible and what stocks to buy.

Will there be another leg down for the stock market or has the worst now passed?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard share their thoughts on the next stock market movements, bank dividends and capital raisings.

Is the worst of the corona-crash for the stock market over?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss whether the crash is over, how dividends will be affected and the stocks to avoid.

Can you trust the 11% rally on Wall Street overnight?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the Dow's jump overnight, if there are any companies worth buying right now, and a word of warning.

Mad about Money

Peter Switzer discusses the latest market developments and what is making him mad in the latest live episode of Mad about Money.

Why we’re really MAD about money right now!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the latest market developments and what is making them really mad in the latest live episode of Mad about Money.

Mad about Money

Join Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard for this week's episode of Mad about Money. 

Mad about Money

What's happening with the markets?! Find out as Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard present Mad about Money live!

The Four Cs: CBA, CSL, Coronavirus and Calombaris!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss how the Commonwealth Bank and CSL reported today, plus the latest on the coronavirus and George Calombaris.

What are the Reserve Bank and Wall Street smoking?!

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the Reserve Bank's decision to keep interest rates on hold, Wall Street's big gains despite the coronavirus outbreak and how CSL is 'smoking hot'.

Coronavirus - how scared should we be?

Peter Switzer and Paul Rickard discuss the coronavirus and its effect on the markets, stamping fees and whether Telstra is screwing small businesses.

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